Upload your trace to the Workflow Trace Archive

To upload a trace to the Workflow Trace Archive (WTA), please follow the following steps:

  1. Validate your dataset using our validator.
  2. Clone the wta-tools repository
  3. Clone the website repository.
  4. Run the script to generate website content with the --append flag using as first argument the location a folder in which your dataset(s) reside(s) and as second argument the location of the website repository.
  5. Test your changes locally using "gulp" and then "gulp serve" (see the README in the wta-site repository).
  6. Pull request the changes.

Add a publication or talk to the website

To upload a publication to the website that makes use of one of the traces the WTA offers, please follow the following steps:

  1. Clone the website repository.
  2. Add an entry in publications.yml or talks.yml.
  3. Test your changes locally using "gulp" and then "gulp serve" (see the README in the wta-site repository).
  4. Pull request the changes.